#LookUp: A Parenting Guide to Screen Use

#LookUp: A Parenting Guide to Screen Use

B. inggris Read the text and answer the questions! The Legend of The First Butterflies Once upon a time in a village, an old woman had a beautiful flower garden by the shore of a lake. The fishermen from around the nearby villages were in love with her flower garden and used to come to her and exchange their fishes to flowers. Everyone in the village noticed something magical about her because at night her house had a magical glow and once in a while some dwarfs were seen helping the old woman to work in a the garden. One day, a young couple visited the village where the old woman lived, and while walking around, they noticed the old woman's beautiful flower garden. The couple decided to get inside the garden and grab some bouquets. When the old woman saw this, she walked out her house and asked the couple to leave. When they turned around to see who was talking to them, they made fun of her and ignored her. Then the old woman got angry and cursed the couple Responsible with her cane saying. "Since you love beautiful things. Being responsible means that we are you will live from now on as beautiful insects." capable of admitting being wrong and Then, the couple turned into butterflies. They flied accepting personal accountability for around the flowers. And this is how the butterflies came the mistakes. to be, who always are found near beautiful flowers. Questions: 1. What is the text about? 2. Who had a beautiful flower garden? 3. Where was the location of the flower garden? 4. Why did the old woman curse the couple? 5. What happened after the old woman cursed the couple? Task 2 Anticorruption Education
1.what is the text?
2.who had a beautiful flower garden?
3.where was the location of the flower garden?
4.why did the old woman curse the couple?
5.what happened after the old woman cursed the couple?​

B. Indonesia pada malam hari sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB tanggal 16 Agustus 1945,Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta beserta rombongan tiba di Jakarta. Mereka pergi ke rumah Laksamana Maeda. di rumah Maeda ini mereka mengumpulkan anggota PPKI dan tokoh-tokoh pergerakan serta para pemuda. Laksamana Maeda adalah perwira tentara Jepang yang bersimpati terhadap perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Ir Soekarno Moh Hatta dan Ahmad Soebardjo kemudian masuk di sebuah ruangan (ruang makan keluarga maeda) yang diikuti Sukarni Sayuti Melik dan B.M.Diah.proklamasi dirumuskan sampai dini hari. konsep proklamasi ditulis Soekarno kemudian dibahas bersama. setelah sepakat naskah Proklamasi di ketik oleh Sayuti Melik. mereka juga sepakat untuk melaksanakan proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 pukul 10.00 WIB. tempat pelaksanaan proklamasi disepakati di rumah Bung Karno Jalan Pegangsaan Timur No. 56 Jakarta.

1.salah satu informasi penting yang terdapat dalam bacaan,yaitu proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia dilaksanakan di halaman rumah laksamana maeda. apakah peryataan tersebut benar?

[ ] benar [ ] salah alasan...................

2.perumusan teks proklamasi juga disaksikan oleh golongan muda antara lain Sukarni,sayuti Melik dan B.M.Diah.

Buatlah kalimat tanya berdasarkan jawaban di atas ?

3.pada malam hari sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB tanggal 16 Agustus 1945 Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta beserta rombongan tiba di Jakarta.

Buatlah kalimat tanya berdasarkan jawaban di atas ?​